When Will Buon Apps Restaurant Re-Open?

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Restaurants were given Government approval to reopen from 4th July 2020, subject to stringent safety measures being in place. Whilst we are delighted with this decision we will not be open that soon, but we will re-open in July on a date yet to be decided

Keeping the business viable and afloat during lockdown has not been without its challenges. Thank you to all who supported us and bought from our shop whilst the restaurant has been closed. Without that support we may not have been here to re-open. We are grateful to all of you, too many to mention by name, who have helped us one way or another.

We’re excited about welcoming restaurant customers back to Buon Apps. But we need to ask for your patience a little longer. Re-opening after a 4 month hiatus will take time to plan. Alas it is not simply a matter of unlocking the doors and letting you in. For example we have to:

  • Source and buy the equipment needed to ensure the safety of our guests and staff

  • Consider the layout and ‘flow’ of the kitchen, bar and restaurant

  • Bring back staff and train them on new cleaning and safety protocols

  • Order for and re-stock the kitchens and bar

  • Sanitise again thoroughly top to bottom, front to back

  • Make sure we are 100% compliant with all COVID-19 regulations

That is only a fraction of the 1001 things on our to-do list.

We know the delay will be a disappointment for many. But we would rather delay opening and be confident that we have done all we can to ensure everybody’s safety than to open on the fourth simply because that’s the day the Government has given the green-light to do so.

You can keep up to date with our opening plans by signing up for our newsletter or following us on social media.

We hope it won’t be too long before we can welcome you through the doors of Buon Apps. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Sofia Elena and Alessandro

ps: Our online shop continues to be available for ready-meals to cook at home, hot food to take away and kitchen supplies.

David PottsBuon Apps