Emerging From Lockdown - Limited Re-Opening From Tuesday 7th July 2020

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We are delighted to tell you that Buon Apps re-opens on Tuesday 7th July 2020.

We are doing this in a calm, measured and safe way to ensure that the plans and procedures we are implementing comply with all COVID regulations and that our guests and staff can visit and work here without worry. To begin we will open with reduced hours, reduced tables and a new menu.

Initially only the Outdoor Terrace will be open.

We have included lots of information on the Outdoor Terrace page about the measures we’re taking to ensure staff and guests safety when you are visiting.

This is all as new to us as it is to you so please bear with us; it will take a little while for everybody to get used to dining in this way. Above all we want you to feel safe and to enjoy your visit, just as we have always done. If you have any concerns or questions about visiting Buon Apps please get in touch and we’ll try our best to answer them.

Over the coming weeks as we get used to these new ways or working, adjusting them as needed, we will consider re-opening the indoor spaces too. We will do that only when we are confident that we can do so safely for all concerned.

There is of course one last very important thing to add. And that is a huge thankyou to everybody who has supported us during lockdown. That includes customers, suppliers, our staff, those who have shared our content and plans on social media or given supportive feedback - we thank you all. The last few months have been made easier because of you. We genuinely do appreciate it.

We look forward to welcoming you back to Buon Apps soon.

Outdoor Terrace Opening Hours

Monday: Closed

Tuesday to Sunday 10:30 am to 8:00 pm

Last orders at 7:30 pm

Our take-away and cook-at-home ready-meals will still be available for those that prefer to eat at home.

Contact Tracing Number

A condition of your visit is that you provide the name and contact number of one of your group for contact tracing purposes. This will be requested when making a reservation or taken when you arrive if you come without a prior reservation. COVID regulations demand that we take this information. It will be held for 21 days, then deleted; we will not use it for marketing or any other purpose. It will be shared only with those who need it for contact tracing purposes.

We will begin to open up the indoor space in the coming weeks. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date and follow us on Facebook or Twitter.