Buon Apps River Lounge & Italian Restaurant

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Menu to Raise Funds for Ukraine

If like us you have been horrified by the events unfolding in Ukraine you perhaps wonder what you can do to help those caught up in the terror. Each of us can help in different ways, be it supporting the DEC Ukraine Appeal, or donating to your chosen charity or giving much needed items.

We too wondered how we can help. For us we think the best thing to do is to do what we know best; cooking.

With that in mind we have created a small menu of Ukranian dishes [opens as a pdf file], each with an Italian twist. For each dish sold from the Ukrainian menu 10% of the cost will be set aside and matched with an equivalent donation from Buon Apps. The combined amount will be used to send food parcels to the Ukranian people.

We hope you will feel able to support this endeavour and enjoy the menu choice.


Sofia Elena, Alessandro and all the team at Buon Apps.

Click to see this image as a pdf file.