Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Buon Apps is CLOSED

Update: Tuesday 24 March 2020 - All of Buon Apps is now closed until further notice

Following Boris Johnson’s ‘lockdown’ announcement at 8:30 pm on Monday 23 March 2020 we have decided to close the Buon Apps Shop too until the crisis is over. Until further notice no part of Buon Apps will be open. We hope to see you on the other side, safe and well.

Update: Saturday 21 March 2020

How quickly things change …

We’d no sooner posted the update below than Boris stood at the podium and announced the closure of all bars, pubs, cafes … and restaurants. So with immediate effect, Buon Apps restaurant is closed. You can read more about this on the Buon Apps Home Page

Although the restaurant is shut, the Buon Apps Shop remains open to serve the local community and you can still buy Gift Vouchers. When visiting the shop please be safe and sensible and keep the recommended distance from others. Grazie!

We hope it won’t be too long before life returns to some sort of normality and that we’ll be to re-open the restaurant doors.

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Update: Friday 20 March 2020

As the situation changes from hour to hour so we constantly monitor and adjust our reactions to it.

Our already strict cleaning protocols have been enhanced and cleaning frequency increased. We continue to follow the advice from the Chief Medical Officer, that published on and by the Food and Beverage Industry

As for the business going forward:

We remain open for now, and will be over the weekend, for those that wish to celebrate Mother’s Day at Buon Apps. We are seating guests further apart to maintain social distancing, and if the weather is good, guests may dine in the outdoor terrace in the fresh air, should they wish to.

Our aim is to keep Buon Apps in business in some shape or form, so we can continue to employ staff and support the local community. Please help us to do so.


To stay up to date with the current situation at Buon Apps, including new Take Away and Cook At Home menus follow us on Facebook or join our email list.

Update: Friday 13 March 2020

There's no escaping the current focus on Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the impact it has brought with it. Like other restaurants we are of course concerned for the health and well-being of our customers and staff. We can re-assure you that we are following all advice from the Chief Medical Officer and immediately implementing any suggested measures.

This is what we are doing now:

  • those who visit often know that it is our custom, as is the Italian way, to give a handshake or a kiss on arrival or departure. For now we won't be doing that. But we will gladly exchange elbow bumps and 'foot-shakes'.

  • we have placed hand sanitiser gel in the toilets and entrances for customers to use, (as well as the recommended hand-washing of course).

  • more frequent deep cleaning and sanitising throughout the day.

The above are in addition to our already strict hygiene protocols.

Additional Measures

Eat At Home
It is inevitable that some guests who would normally dine with us may not be able, or may not want to come to the restaurant. Yet they may still want freshly prepared, flavoursome food they've not had to cook themselves.

With this in mind we are working on an 'eat-at-home' menu. Initially this will be collection only from the restaurant. Ordering will be via a phone call to us, and as soon as we can, via a Buon Apps mobile app. Keep an eye on our website, emails and social media for menus and updates. If you’ve not yet signed up for email you can do so here.

We've had a shop for a while offering all sorts of Italian goodness, but to help local people get the food staples they need we are offering additional products such as pasta, olive oil, biscuits, tins of pulses and tins of tomatoes. You don't need to eat or drink at the restaurant to buy from the shop. Price lists will be published soon on the shop page.

Shop Local

Coronavirus presents a real challenge for small independent local businesses. it's no secret that many shops, bars and restaurants are already seeing a downturn in trade. If you value and appreciate your local businesses please do continue to use and support them as often as you can.  It's more important now than ever. If they close, they may never re-open. Grazie!

Shop Local