This is not Goodbye, it's Arrivederci!

This is not goodbye …

This is not goodbye …

With new COVID-19 restrictions starting on Thursday 5th November we temporarily closed our restaurant doors at 10:00 pm on Wednesday 4th November. It is something we had hoped not to do, and we feel a real sense of sadness that once again all of our lives are changing for what we hope is only a short while.

Before we close we want to say a genuine and heart-felt ‘Grazie Mille’ to all of you who felt confident to return to Buon Apps since we reopened, and for your positive feedback and support for our staff, our food, and the safety measures we introduced. A big thank you to all who work for and with us - our staff, suppliers and contractors - we wish you well and hope to see you soon!

This is not goodbye, it is simply ‘Arrivederci’!

Sofia Elena and Alessandro

ps: Our online shop, hot-food take-away and ready-meals are available. Check here for availability.

David Potts